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ETCETERA EXCLUSIVE - Interview with author Jennifer Niven

New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Niven is well established in both fiction and non-fiction, with her young adult novel All the Bright Places being one of the most read books with the theme of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Now, a film adaption starring Elle Fanning is in production with Niven currently working on the film script.

All the Bright Places is the story of Finch and Violet, two high school seniors who form a unique bond filled with life lessons. It tackles heavy topics including depression and suicide, but also romance and love. In an interview, Niven spoke about her personal connection to the story.

Jennifer Niven - Photographer: Louis Kapeleris

E: What was your inspiration?

JN: I've met and heard from so many wonderful readers around the world since All the Bright Places came out, readers who are struggling in some way. The one thing I hear the most from them is: thank you for letting me know I'm not alone. Thank you for making me feel loved. I wanted to write a book for my readers that carried this message.

E: You’ve said that you knew and loved a boy who reminded you of Finch, was it hard to write a personal story?

JN: Writing a personal story is always intimidating. All the Bright Places terrified me because it was so personal, and writing that story meant revisiting a traumatic time in my life. After that book, I felt I really could write anything, so in some ways Holding Up the Universe was easier.

E: There seems to be a deeper message in All the Bright Places about being seen, was this deliberate?

JN: Absolutely! There's too much judgement in the world, too much prejudice based on misperception, bigotry, and ignorance. Wouldn't it be a lovelier world if we didn't prejudge others?

E: Are you writing anything else or plan to be soon?

JN: I'm working on a couple of projects, including the next YA novel and last edits on the All the Bright Places film script...

All the Bright Places book cover

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